Davis Weather Station Review – High Quality and Expensive


Davis Weather Station Davis has been the leader of weather instruments for 50 long years. In their early days, they offered only 13 products, but now they are the manufacturer of hundreds. Davis provides simple solutions for everyday problems. Hobbyists to small or large organizations, many depend on a Davis weather station for planning their … Read more

Best Indoor/Outdoor Thermometers 2020 Reviews


These days, people often use smartphones to stay updated about the weather. Although smartphones are convenient, unfortunately, they are not always the most accurate. To know the exact temperature of your surroundings, it’s best to get an indoor-outdoor thermometer for your home. Thankfully, there are tons of systems available that offer superior accuracy over smartphones. … Read more

Netatmo Weather Station – Ultimate Reviews

We usually use weather stations to understand the weather variables of our location either to plan the day or to stay tuned to the weather conditions and their consequences. A personal weather station is always our first preference as they offer a lot of specifications. These days, new things are being innovated. Everything has become … Read more

AcuRite 00589 Pro Color review

Get your free weather information right from your backyard with this 3-in-1 weather station. AcuRite 00589 Pro Color also provides accurate weather forecast of your location using a patented self-calibrating forecasting technology. It comes with an easy-to-read illuminated color display and a rugged sensor suit. This unit is the best weather station in its class. … Read more

AcuRite 01036M Pro Color Review

Confidently plan your day with customized weather data and forecasts right from your backyard. The AcuRite 01036M Pro Color is a unique weather station that connects to your tablet or smartphone via an app and uses self-calibrating technology to provide you with the most accurate weather data possible. It comes with an integrated sensor array, a … Read more

How to Choose Best Lightning Detector


Every year many lives are lost due to lightning hazards. Lightning is unstoppable, but some advanced planning can mitigate risks caused due to lightning. With modern technology, it’s now possible to predict lightning, and lightning detectors can be a lifesaver. A lighting detector will act as a warning system and alert you to shut down … Read more